Wylde Wings by Kate Ristau

Wylde Wings by Kate Ristau

Author:Kate Ristau [Ristau, Kate]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Parenthetical Publishing


“He’s coming.”

“Who?” I asked.

“My Dad.”

“Who is he?” Nana asked.

“He’s Dad’s boss,” I said slowly.

“He is,” Kai said. “But he’s something else too.”

“What?” I asked.

Kai shrugged, and kept staring at me. I didn’t know what to say to him.

Nana stood up, stretching her back. “I should have known. All those men. They were so dirty – practically dripping in glamour. I didn’t recognize him. I should have pulled back the veil. What do you know, Kai?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. You will have to explain. But as for your question, I found some notes. In his coat.” Kai narrowed his eyes at me. “They had Mr. Wylde – your dad’s – name on them. So I started paying attention.” He cocked his head. “Mr. Wylde’s research – it’s not all theoretical. Not like he talks about in class. Energy. Your dad has been researching energy. And he found it. A lot of it. And it behaves in ways he didn’t expect. It’s breaking the laws.”

I scratched my back, trying to get at the spot where my wings met my shoulder blades. It itched like chicken pox. Or wings that were sticking out of my skin. With feathers and stuff. “Laws…like the first law of thermodynamics?”

Kai nodded. “The energy doesn’t behave according to our rules. He had a video. On his phone. I saw it. The energy.”

I shook my head, and scratched harder. I couldn’t get to the right spot. “Why would he have a video of it? What did it look like? And where’d he get it? The energy in the video?”

“That’s a lot of questions,” Kai said. “Which one would you like me to address? The last one about energy?”

Nana tsked and straightened her dress. “It’s not energy, boys. Don’t be silly. It’s magic. It’s life.”

“Whatever you want to call it,” Kai said, “they’ve got it. They’ve got a lot of it.”

I scratched my back against the door frame, thinking of how Wythe had glared at me, like I did something wrong. I thought it was just an adult thing. Running around the museum and whatever. But maybe it was something else. Maybe he knew—

“I should have known,” Nana said. “We got lucky with Gwyn. Where are they?”

Nana’s phone buzzed inside her purse. We all ignored it. It kept on buzzing.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“You know,” Nana said. “The story, remember? It’s real. All of it. The town – on the other side of the mountain. All those people. They used to be able to fly. It was spellbinding. Magical. Until someone took their spark away. They’re the ones. They took them.”

Kai scratched the back of his hand, looking at me intently. “Our dads have them now. The sparks. I think your dad is trying to use them – something about tissue repair. But he has no idea what he is doing. And my dad is just using him. You don’t know him like I do. It’s not good.”

Nana pulled on her bag. “Where are the sparks?”

“Flicker,” Kai said.


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